
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2018

The doctrine of the Supreme Court

The doctrine of the Supreme Court provides that "the obligation that the amounts advanced for the purchase of a home be deposited in a special account is from the developer, not the consumer, and it is the bank or the guarantor entity that must demand that the developer enter the money received in such account and that provides the necessary guarantees or guarantees to guarantee that all the money will be returned to the buyers, plus the legal interest accrued. Due to the lack of diligence of the banking entities, the refund of anticipated amounts is required ". It is an opportunity to claim, very well founded and with the guarantee of the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court.   We are a specialised legal service in Spain that damage individual rights with economic consequences. We are a specialised legal service in Spain that damage individual rights with economic consequences for them. link https://youtu.be/7iAi-jytFrQ ·        We analyse new ...

Recover off-Plan deposits from banks


Breaking News

😊  Breaking News: We recovered 70,000 euros to a family that bought a house with an off-plan property deposit in Yecla (Murcia, Spain)  👩 ⚖️   # offplanclaims   👏 👏 👏 👏 http://ow.ly/OOZt30iWFdc The Court, in the application of Law 57/1968, upheld that the bank, BMN is responsible, together with the property developers, to refund the Off Plan deposits to home buyers for the latter failed to delivered the properties on a timely basis. Did you give advance an account of your future home and it was never delivered to you? Budget without commitment 📧 Mail lexlegis@lexlegis.org We will study your case free of charge http://reclamacionesviviendasnoentregadas.es/ # magdalenaricopalao   # lexlegis   # SentenciasMR Contact us and get your money back.

Did you know that banks are responsible for your deposits?

📌   # Spanish   # Off -plan property  # claims . Did you know that banks are responsible for your deposits?  😎  Spanish law 57/1968 makes Financial Institutions responsible for your off-plan deposits. Recover your money now  👉 💶   ☎  Contact us for more info. WhatsApp +34678203080 E-mail: lexlegis@lexlegis.org

Off-plan deposits. Lex Legis Legal Claims

Off-plan deposits. Lex Legis Legal Claims What is needed to claim? We would need cop­ies of your doc­u­ments to study if you have a good case; that is: – pur­chase con­tract – proof of amounts paid by cheque, credit card or bank trans­fers – re­ceipts of pay­ments re­ceived by the prop­erty de­velopers – the ini­tial total price of the prop­erty – the cor­res­pond­ence (if ap­plic­able) between you and the prop­erty de­velopers (and any other writ­ten com­mu­nic­a­tions that may be of use for the case) – any cop­ies of any Court doc­u­ments Hav­ing the con­tracts, cop­ies of all pay­ments, any cor­res­pond­ence is all very im­port­ant. Any legal case needs proof and evid­ence but with this, we may be able to help you sue and re­cover all of your money and in­terest and costs. No Win No Fee We need to re­view in­di­vidual situ­ations but there may be an op­tion of re­cov­er­ing an in­vest­ment by pay­ing the bar­ris­ter fees and Court costs, or on a po...

#Spanish #Offplan property #claims.

# Spanish   # Offplan  property  # claims . Did you know that banks are responsible for your deposits? Spanish law 57/1968 makes Financial Institutions responsible for your off-plan deposits. Recover your money now! Contact us for more info. WhatsApp +34607537133 (We speak English) E-mail: lexlegis@lexlegis.org ®LEXLEGIS. Leaders in banking claims • No win, no fee • Get free advice, budget without commitment • No funding • Thousands of people have recovered their money, Join them! # trampolinHills   # santaanadelmonte   # magdalenaricopalao https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iAi-jytFrQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brq07XZ5t-c www.reclamacionesviviendasnoentregadas.es

Recover your money!
