The doctrine of the Supreme Court

The doctrine of the Supreme Court provides that "the obligation that the amounts advanced for the purchase of a home be deposited in a special account is from the developer, not the consumer, and it is the bank or the guarantor entity that must demand that the developer enter the money received in such account and that provides the necessary guarantees or guarantees to guarantee that all the money will be returned to the buyers, plus the legal interest accrued. Due to the lack of diligence of the banking entities, the refund of anticipated amounts is required ". It is an opportunity to claim, very well founded and with the guarantee of the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court. We are a specialised legal service in Spain that damage individual rights with economic consequences.

We are a specialised legal service in Spain that damage individual rights with economic consequences for them.

·      We analyse new legal claim in great detail, together with the most reputed experts in Spain for the legal matters involved and then we plan the most accurate legal strategy. 
·      We are 100% independent from Banks or Property Developers.·       ·      We cover all Spanish territory 
·      We are specialists in recovering money for individuals from Spanish Institutions .↝↝↝↝↝↝↝⇨⇨

The amounts were not entered, as required by law, into a special account nor did it have a refund. The promoters of Trampolín did not grant legal guarantees for these amounts delivered, but the banks collaborated in this income without requiring neither guarantees nor special accounts. The situation for those affected was critical, as the affected companies were in bankruptcy. BUT THE SITUATION HAS CHANGED AFTER THE IMPORTANT SENTENCE OF 12/21/2015 OF THE SPANISH TS, THE FIRST rulings are coming in favor of buyers at Trampolín Hills Golf Resort The buyers claim the money in advance either from Caixabank or from other entities where the advances were paid and the courts are giving them the reason.     TRAMPOLIN HILLS EXPLANATION Mail and Info: Telf. 34 607537133 (English) About 1,500 affected people gave money to buy houses in CAMPOS DEL RIO, a town near Murcia, on land that was not buildable The company Trampolin Hills Golf Resort S.L., without more goods than the 3,000 euros required to create a company, began to sell homes without the necessary approval of the partial plan of requalification of the land. They used their commercial network to attract, between mid-2005 and until 2008, numerous clients both in Spain and abroad, mainly in the United Kingdom.


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